172 Members
63.644,94 € proceeds from membership fees, donations, events
- On November 11, 2021, we received information from Rev. Musoke Genza that the construction work for the men’s hospital has begun.
- Planning of a modern men’s hospital with modern water toilets
- Rev. Musoke Genza sends a new message on October 20, 2021 on the current Corona situation in Uganda.
- On September 28, 2021, we received news from Rev. Musoke Genza that the hospital renovation work has been completed.
- Renovation and conversion of the existing hospital into a women’s hospital
- Rev. Musoke Genza sends a new message on August 24, 2021 on the current Corona situation in Uganda.
- In response to this letter, we e initiated another call for donations in response on July 9, 2021. The call was aimed at all members, sponsors and friends. The willingness to donate was overwhelming. The money was transferred to Uganda in August.
- On July 7, 2021 Menschenbrücke e.V. received a very sad letter from Reverend Musoke Genza in which he describes the COVID-19 situation in Uganda.
- Completion children’s hospital
- COVID emergency aid
Rheinkreis Neuss
- Norfer donate “Taler” The Burg Apotheke Norf (Pharmacy in Norf) has again distributed the donated Taler. About the money the “Initiative Schmetterling” and Menschenbrücke e.V. are pleased. Both received a donation in the amount of 2.150.€. “This is the merit of our customers,” says a delighted pharmacist Annette Berndsen. Thanks to the generous Norfer, the fundraising campaign was once again a complete success. Many thanks!
- The St. Andreas Market could take place under Corona conditions and was a great success. Many thanks to all the helpers who contributed to this great result.
- Solibrot (“Bread of Solidarity“), sold by the Soumagne and Dresen bakeries A hearty thank you!
- In the September issue of the Schützenbruderschaft St. Andreas Norf e.V. “Sonne über Norf” and in the 3rd issue of the Norfbach Kurier articles about our association Menschenbrücke e.V. appeared
- On August 29, 2021, the Menschenbrücke e.V. association organised the church service in the St. Andreas Church in Norf and then offered homemade jams, biscuits, eggnog and hand-knitted socks for sale at a small sales stand. Despite the miserable weather, the service and the subsequent sale were well attended and generated a considerable amount of donations and sales proceeds. Many thanks to all who contributed through preparation, donations and purchases!
- Also politicians, even those beyond the borders of the city of Neuss – recognise Menschenbrücke and its projects. Letters to Josefine Freibeuter and Ingrid Leifels on the occasion of Mrs.Leifel’s appointment as the new Chairwoman were sent by Mr. Hermann Gröhe (Member of German Bundestag) and Dr. Jörg Geerlings (Member of Landtag, North-Rhine-Westphalia).
- Still, the COVID situation does not allow any events; as the COVID situation in Uganda is dramatic, we launch another appeal to donate.
- Donation Company PERFACTS GmbH
- Ingrid Leifels is elected as the new chairperson of the association.